Saturday 19 February 2022


I installed the freshly charged battery and she started straight up, unfortunately when I took her out of the garage the front left indicator was dangling, broken. The only whole ones I have are rear ones so they went on instead - they are exactly the same except the front ones are slightly shorter, still they'll do until I can source some second hand ones. At least they are a pair! I need to lower the "fan on" temperature so it doesn't get as hot - I had reloaded the standard map for the ECU with the standard "fan on" temperature at 104°c I need it to come on at 100°c. While I have some time on my hands I will get the rear indicators level - I initially installed them with the bike on the side stand and they are not level, but I will need to fill the hole before drilling another one as the are only about 0.5 cms out. I will try some plastic welding, and if that doesn't work, some araldite or glass fibre will plug it sufficiently to support a new hole.

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