Monday, 15 September 2014

Bol d'Or Classic

Back from the weekend at Magny Cours. I completed 5 out of 6 sessions - that's the good news. Arrived at Magny Cours early morning to be confronted with the organisations bureaucracy of Lariviere organising the event.  They hadn't asked anyone to bring a medical certificate to obtain a weekend license. So they pushed us all to see the medical team from the circuit to get an OK to get a license, then followed the consequential queue's for the technical check up and having to deal with the French lunch time break finally to get on the track 5 mins after my first session started.
The bike had nothing under 8 or 9k and I nearly came in after one lap, however there was a nice blast of power from 9-11 so if I kept it up there it was nice! It was smoking quite a lot especially from nr. 3.
I jetted down for the second session as it was significantly warmer, the bike ran better, although still smoking, and I was starting to suspect something amiss with nr. 3. Anyway to cut a long story short, I wanted to try bigger pilot jets as the low rev range was awful. When I removdd the nr. 3 carb, I could see the damage to the rotary disk! There was one small part remaining partially blocking the port, and the central part of the disk was the only part left rotating! So nr. 3 has swallowed a carbon disk. I suppose I should be grateful that it was a steel disk or maybe steel wouldn't have broken! All will be revealed when I strip it down.
ALCCO (Laurent Badie ) had finished my 350 crank, and cylinders, I will be using Prox pistons on the 350! Laurent managed to leave me one more rebore on the cylinders, so I have to be careful or think of something different - one of the guys was talking about Nikasiling the bores - could be an idea.
Anyway loads of stuff to do this winter on all bikes!

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