Monday, 21 July 2014

Weekend Testing at Ledenon

Took both bikes down to Ledenon this past weekend, basically to run in the RG 500 a bit (all new bearings in the crankcase, plus completely rebuilt), and to get a good setup for Magny-Cours in September.

The weather forecast was good on Saturday, with rain arriving after lunch Sunday, so after installing the tent and everything, I bought a few sessions to see what was what. The 500 started well enough, but after taking her out for a lap, I had to pull in as she just wasn't pulling any revs at all, only once going down hill did I manage to get her into the power, but couldn't maintain anything, so thought it safer to pull in. Initial thought was my ignition curve so I quickly connected up the programmer and dialed in the standard ignition curve and went out again - different but not better, I even got black flagged for going so slow!

The next session was only 20 mins away so just fueled up the 350 and took her out for a spin - she ran well, although changing the front fork (gold valve) settings did not seem to have cured the chattering from the front around the triple left bend - most disconcerting as it is one of the quickest bends on the track. Anyway had a good laugh with the 350, although there were some quick boys out there on big bikes, but I still managed to overtake some on the bends!

Still thinking ignition, (RG500) I pulled the adjustable pickup and replaced it with the original Suzuki one, this time, a quick test in the car park still had issues, not pulling at all.

Started thinking it was jetting, and as the temperature was significantly hotter than Croix-en-Ternois last year, I down jetted to 250's all around (from 260's), this made a significant difference in the car park, so decided to use my last run of the day to go out with the 500, this time pulling significantly better, but still not brilliant! This time I got a lap in, but couldn't change down gears! At least I could but with ever increasing difficulty, decided to pull in again! Jumped on the 350 and completed the session on the 350, right until the last lap, where on the deceleration lap, a gravely noise came from the engine, literally like there was a handful of gravel bouncing around in the engine! The engine seized just as I pulled the clutch and pulled off the track.

OK so the test bike has gearbox problems and the spare bike has blown up, I didn't fancy draining oil and looking at the gearbox at the circuit, so we packed up and made our way home.

Well Sunday was used to good effect, and I found and fixed the issue with the RG. The gear lever return spring was not seated correctly and was not effective (my fault), When installing the lever you need to ensure the return spring is located either side of a locating tab on the gear change mechanism, not crossed but so that the 2 spring ends are roughly parallel either side of the tab. I had installed it crossed so that it wasn't working. In order to change that I had to remove the clutch etc.. to get access.

I was also not happy with the fairing support at the front which was obviously still bent, so that came off as well to try and get a roughly symmetrical shape out of it. It really looks like it was designed at 5:00pm on a Friday evening, nothing is symmetrical, crappy welds, and bits of bent metal, will have to try and find a good picture to know what to bend where.

I haven't touched the 350 yet, but the kickstart is still solid, and I think a piston has broken up and embedded itself somewhere, anyway my bet is the left hand side - but we will see next weekend.

Just for the record, I rejuvenated the front brake master cylinder on my Daytona, as the rubber seal had worn through and it was getting a bit notchy, it now works perfectly, plus changed the gear lever rubber which also had worn through!

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