Well, started the 350 up at the weekend and everything was OK, clutch and brakes worked fine. However starting the 500 was a different matter! It started fine, although after a couple of minutes running it was making a louder and louder noise from the engine.... stop everything I can't run it like this!
So my gamble with the broken small end bearing did not pay off, if you remember, I had thought I could get away with just cleaning out the crakcase after the Nr3 cylinder destroyed it's small end bearing, well hey ho, I must have missed some stuff, and it's still bashing around in there somewhere.
I stripped the engine right down, and as you can see from the pictures, when I took the pistons off, ALL of the small end bearings (1, 2 & 4) were in the process of coming a part, plus on Nr. 3 the pieces of metal I had not picked up had made a few marks on my brand new head and piston..... That will teach me!
The cranks are now out, and I have already bought the bearing/seal kit, but all I need now is to find someone to fit the lot, and rebuild the cranks, not easy in France.
So the big question is why are all the small end bearing disintegrating.... ? Discussions are open....
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