Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Got the fairing lined up

I was dreading putting the top of the fairing on the bike, because I really thought the extra width of the forks would make life a misery when fitting the fairing. Well good news is that it lines up pretty well, and the clipons don't hit the fairing on either lock. I still need to sort out a way of putting stop locks on the bottom yoke to stop the forks and avoid any damage if it falls over.

I also received some overflow bottles from one of the guys on the French RG500 forum - nice guy lives in Valence, and sent me loads for free!

The brakes have been bled but I had to move the master cylinder banjos around so I need to blead them again.

I ordered a left hand thread rose joint to complete my gear lever rearset, and they sent me a RH threaded one...doh! They will send another one for free!

My Michelin Tyres have not been sent yet apparently Michelin haven't yet made the medium fronts, so I have gone for a soft front and medium rear and hopefully these will arrive during my holiday next week.

That's it for now.

1 comment:

Andy B said...

Hi Dave/Libby, I enjoyed reading the Blog. I have been interested all along as you know, it is just that I have not got around to signing up for the blog until now Computer illiterate that I am! Anyway, I am signed up now and I will follow your progress more closely. Can't wait to see you at the Calais meeting in May. Ride safe! Andy Brice.X