Went for a very frisky morning ride (on the Daytona) to get my freshly made seat from Poly26. Patrick Pierre came with me and we froze on the way there (too early), but the guy who owns Poly26 was really friendly, and made us coffee and brioche to warm us up when we got there - a really interesting guy, whose son runs in Promosport 1000 (on an R1 I think). He was going to enter Proclassic this year but was put off by the large amounts of traveling around France - he has an RC30 in his showroom!
Anyway made it home with the seat in the ruck sack, and after a weeks skiing and various other disturbances, I managed to get it on the bike. I had to saw parts of the frame off to get it too fit, so this is REALLY good bye to a road bike and hello exclusive racing bike. The ignition is getting setup, although I am changing one connector at a time to ensure that I can always go back to the original setup, that way I have a spare!